Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Evan eats rice cereal for the first time- Too Cute

Video/Pictures of Evan's First Christmas Day and Isabella's 4th

Santa was very good to Isabella and Evan this year. Isabella got two goldfish (which she named Goldie & Princess), a dollhouse, pink camera, golf clubs, dolls (lifesized and Barbies), an art easel and many other fun things. Evan got lots of toys and new clothes. I am sure he will truly appreciate them soon. He is really starting to act like he wants to crawl, too. I am sure he will be mobile soon! It was a fun Christmas.

Pictures Evan's First Christmas Eve and Isabella's 4th

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. The kids had a great time and we had Rita's family at our house for Christmas Eve (Rita's Birthday). Rita's Dad stopped by earlier in the day, too. It was also Jordan's (Rita's sister, Michelle's sons first Christmas as well.) A good time was had by all.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Video/Pictures from Isabella's Christmas Concert

Isabella's Christmas Concert. Enjoy.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Here is a picture from our visit with Santa. Isabella wants a new dollhouse. I think Santa heard her request. Evan wants his two front teeth.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Wilson's

I did so well getting the family together to get a picture mid November and then I haven't even sent the Christmas cards out yet! Sooo when you get your card, don't be surprise if it looks familiar.

Dress up - Too cute!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Evan - The next Billy Joel

Halloween 2008

The kids had a great time on Halloween. Just a few pictures from the evening.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tom & Karla's Halloween Party

Our friends/neighbor's across the street had their 2nd annual Halloween Party Saturday night. It was a lot of fun. Kudos to the decorating squad. It was spooky in the burbs last night. Props to Granny for babysitting for all the partygoers!!

We had the walking dead, a spider witch, Cleopatra, a Gladiator, Wedding Crashers, Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber! Many more, just no room to post the pictures.

Video of Evan

Oktoberfest at Big Canoe

Well this year's Oktoberfest in Big Canoe was the biggest I have seen yet. Dad you did a great job!! It was lots of fun. Prost!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Burt's Pumpkin Farm

Isabella's class went to Burt's yesterday. They had a great time. Isabella got to spend the day with her Granny, pick pumpkins and go on a hay ride. The class made special shirts for all of the kids to wear. Here they are in their group shot. Isabella is the top row last one on the right. They are all so cute!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Many Years of "Dress Up Evan" Have Started...

Isabella loves her baby brother and she has already started the Big Sister, Little Brother rite of passage. I am sure she will dress him up many more times in the years to come. Oh, and let's not forget the dog (CJ). He loves to get in the mix as well.

If you want, you can follow this blog. Just click to the left of this posting "Friends of this Blog" to link. No obligation, just a fun way to keep up.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Little Artist

Isabella drew a picture of her family at the aquarium - Mommy, Daddy, Isabella and Evan. She is so good, if I do say so myself!
Her Proud Mommy

Monday, October 13, 2008

Miss you Les!!

There is so much I wish to say
I think about you every day
I miss your laugh
I miss your smile
Neither lost nor forgotten...
I imagine them often

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Evan's Two Month Doctor's Appt

Evan had his two month appointment today. The doctor said he looks great. He has grown since his last visit at 1 month. He is smiling and cooing now all of the time and the doctor said he meets all of his milestones for his age.

He now weighs: 13 3/4 pounds (75%- 90%)
His length is: 23 5/8 inches (75%)
His head is: 39.9 cm (75%)



He also had three shots today. Can you say, "Ouch"? My Little Guy cried so hard. He is not much of a crier, but today he cried louder than I have heard him cry. Of course, he was just fine by the time we left the doctor's office, but was a little fussy in the evening.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Team Spirit

Isabella had soccer pictures today. The girls all had individual pictures taken and then they also took a group shot. Mommy, of course, took some candid pictures of her own. The girls all seem to really like each other as you can see by the picture. After pictures, Isabella had a game and she scored 3 goals! You should have seen her go. She also was playing some great defense. She really likes soccer, it must run in her blood. It is really cute to watch the kids at her age play. On the sidelines, they are all playing ring around the rosie and holding hands. Too cute! Mike is still not feeling completely better (still has a cough). Hopefully, he is on the tailend of this cold. It has been three weeks. Evan is doing well. He is enjoying the fresh air and watching his big sis play soccer. He just gets cuter with each passing day. Mommy is well, too. We have Octoberfest next weekend Oct 11 at Big Canoe. If you have not been there before, it is a lot of fun. My Dad is the chairman of the event and he has done a great job over the past couple of years making it more fun for families, etc. It is worth the drive up there. Tootles for now.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Running out of GAS

Hello all-
What an interesting week already. Some of my friends that live outside of the Southeast cannot relate to this post. Yesterday I spent an hour in line to try to get gasoline in my car only to be denied before getting anywhere near the pump. The gas crisis here in the south was at its worst point yesterday in my area. I was literally car number 60 when they ran out of gas at the station. I can only imagine what it is like for my friends around Atlanta that have hectic commutes. Isabella's school cancelled their field trip for this week due to the shortage. Mike went in search of gas last night (afterhours) and came up empty. He drove all the way over to the Mall of GA, then back down Sugarloaf Pkwy, etc. Some good news though, Mike found gas this morning (6am) and they were not limiting the amount you could pump. Also great news is that they had premium gas, which is a great sign since that has not been available here in the last two weeks. So at least we have one car with gas and Mike will be able to get to work this week. Anyway, maybe things will be better today??? I will post more later. I have 1/4 of a tank so Isabella should be able to get to school today.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Not too much going on...

Well we are on week # 2 of Mike being sick. He finally went to the doctor and he has some type of bug. It has been relatively quite here this weekend needless to say. Isabella had soccer today and she scored one goal. Her Grandparents are back in town from their 2 week excursion to Italy, Greece and Turkey. We are glad they are home safely. They did come back to no gas in the SE and were a little surprised to see no gas anywhere. Speaking of gas, Michael, my nephew is on a travelling baseball team. He is doing really well. I will have to dedicate a post to his stats and the gas prices my sister is encountering. Evan is still growing like a weed. He is starting to sleep through the night, which is WONDERFUL! Hold hands to the sky and yell, "AWE!" Mommy sure is HAPPY! Also - I took the parameters off of the comments section so you should be able to make comments without having to register first. I will post more soon!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Heads Up

Evan has been practicing "tummy time" and has been raising his head very well. Iasbella of course loves to help him out and thinks he is the funniest baby ever! She still calls him Baby Wilson.